Thursday, May 26, 2016

Free Tips to Get Emailers / Newsletters Delivered To GMAIL Inbox

Are you a Email Marketer worried of your mails landing in Gmail Spam.

Free Tips to Get Emailers / Newsletters Delivered To GMAIL Inbox

The big question every Email Marketeer worry today is how his Mailers will land into the User Inbox. And above it to land the Mailers in Gmail Inbox is like hitting the Nail on the Iron Plate.

But if we try out these few solutions, We can get your mailers to the Gmail Inbox

By working on the below points can make your Newsletters land in Inbox :)

1) Customized footer: Gmail Always looks for new Content and the footer being same and static for all your mailers can spoil the reputation of the emailers.  One of the best practices is to use personalized footers for the Newsletters or mailer which you can create for each.

Eg: You are receiving this message under the e-mail address [**] because you are on mailing list of Company Name, and you must use this address when trying to unsubscribe

2) Affiliate Partners: Gmail finds the content as spam if the newsletters are part of affiliate programs. So avoid using them or keep a track of your partners if there are sending mailers to any non active or bought out Ids

3) Gmail Tool: Register our Domains on Gmail Tool. This tool is very helpful to keep track of the Domain reputation. This has to be done daily to keep the track and take action if any thing found on it

Use Postmaster Tools to analyze your email performance, and help Gmail route your messages to the right place.

4) No mails for Inactive Users Strictly: The inactive users must be filtered regularly from the main database and worked on then separately from a different domain

Suggestions: To move the inactive to separate Bucket and create mailer activity on interaction basis

Eg: Contests, Quiz

5) Promotional and Transaction Domains: These 2 Activity must be kept on separate Domains and not mixed up

6) Vaild Reply Email ID: The reply ID must be Valid and must be interactive so that Gmail finds this not as a Robot used only for sending the newsletter

7) Regular Activity with the users for interaction to keep the domain in good health and to tell Gmail that this is not a Robot 